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Loghill Village County Road 1A & Ponderosa Drive Gravel Grinding

Loghill Village has a loop (or more of a square or U-shaped route) on Ponderosa Drive.

  • Distance: 7.5 miles roundtrip
  • Duration: 1.5 to 2.5 hours
  • Elevation: 7,900 feet
  • Difficulty: Easy-Moderate

Start at the corner of Ouray County Road (CR) 1 and go east on Ponderosa Drive to enjoy lots of downhills on the rolling paved road. The road curves north and turns west onto CR 1A, a quiet dirt road halfway through the loop (or the upside of the U). When 1A meets CR1 again, you can take the final leg of the route on flat pavement back to the intersection at Ponderosa Drive. Alternatively, to avoid the faster traffic on CR1, turn around and retrace your route on the dirt and paved portions of Ponderosa.

Mountain biker atop Log Hill Village
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