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Ridgway Public Library

300 Charles St, Ridgway, CO 81432

Ridgway Library offers many services in addition to checking out items. Some of our frequently used ones: Sewing Room, Printing, Meeting Rooms, Curbside Pickup/Service, Used Books, and Outdoor Spaces.

  • Meeting Rooms: We have three meeting rooms available for use. They have capacities of 8, 10, or 18 people. The rooms can be combined for larger groups. 
  • Printing & Scanning: Printing is $0.15 per page for black and white and $0.95 per page for color. Two sided printing costs the same as single sided. 
  • Sewing Room At the library, we have a room with two sewing machines that are available for public use. The machines have thread and some sewing supplies. 
  • Curbside Service: Curbside Service Hours for curbside pickup: Monday thru Thursday, 10:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. Friday, 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Saturday, 10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. 
  • Used Books: Used books and magazines are available in the south entryway of the library by donation. There is a small donation box by the door. 
  • Outdoor Spaces: There are two large seating areas around the outside of the library. To the south is a pergola with tables and chairs underneath. 

ridgway library