| Tanya Ishikawa | News
December 2020 RACC Member of the Month: Alpenglow CoHousing

What is cohousing?
Cohousing is a type of community intentionally designed to foster and sustain social connection. Small neighborhoods are designed so neighbors interact frequently, yet live in private homes. Residents identify and apply their missions and core values in designing, building and living in these communities.
Please describe Alpenglow CoHousing.
Alpenglow CoHousing is building a diverse, intergenerational neighborhood where our community members practice acceptance, listen to one another, seek consensus in decision-making, and care for one another, our broader community and the environment. We will have 26 privately owned, ecofriendly homes encircling a Common House and grounds where we will share meals, have activities, and provide a friendly setting for families and friends—members and guests.
Why did you pick Ridgway and your specific location in the town?
Ridgway is an ideal small town full of life that we will enjoy as well as contribute to. Located in the heart of the town across from Hartwell Park, Alpenglow CoHousing will be a hub for Ridgway residents, not an exclusive neighborhood. We plan on hosting events and activities, and we will support local shops, restaurants and organizations—all in close walking distance.
Please tell us about your members, and who you are seeking as new members.
The majority of Alpenglow’s members are current residents of Ridgway; some have been in the area for decades. Others have joined from states including California, Florida, Indiana, and Maryland. We are active, outdoorsy and artistic people who care deeply about the social and ecological world around us.
What are some of the milestones in developing the community?
Since forming, Alpenglow has purchased land in downtown Ridgway and hired our construction team. Collaborating with Conterra Workshop, a Ridgway architectural firm, we designed our community and now need just a few more members to start construction in spring 2021!
Do you have a special holiday message to share?
We have created holiday cards using the artwork of one of our members (see image below). The card’s inside message reads simply, “From Alpenglow CoHousing we wish you the greatest gift of all – the gift of community. May your holidays be safe and joyful!”
What do you value from being a Ridgway Chamber member?
The Chamber and its members work hard to keep Ridgway’s lifeblood pumping so that residents and visitors alike have a vibrant, safe, interesting place to live and explore. We are members because this is our mission as well—to build and sustain community with all our knowledge, talents and labor.