"Find Yourself in Ridgway Year Round" Photo & Video Contest deadline EXTENDED

Amateur and professional photographers and videographers are invited to enter the “Find Yourself in Ridgway Year Round” Photo and Video Contest to win prizes and get your photos in front of thousands of viewers. The Ridgway Area Chamber of Commerce will award $300 to the winning video and $200 to the winning photo, as well as presenting three honorable mentions in each category with Ridgway, Colorado hats.
The contest theme of find yourself in Ridgway year round was selected to encourage contestants to enter photos of discovery where people are feeding their souls and spirits in the Ridgway area, especially in the quieter times of the year from October to April. Photos and videos including people in them will be scored higher, and contest entrants must provide a signed release from the photographed or video-recorded people.
Photos and videos entered in the contest may be used by the Ridgway Chamber in promotion and marketing of the Ridgway area, including the visitor’s guide, ridgwaycolorado.com and social media. Photographers and videographers be credited for their submitted work.
It's free to enter the contest, and each person can enter up to five photos and vie videos. Everyone is encouraged to enter including students of all ages, chamber members and visitors. Photos and video, along with brief captions, should be submitted no later than Friday, Nov. 4, 2022 (midnight). Complete contest guidelines are listed below.
“Find Yourself in Ridgway Year Round” Photo Contest Guidelines
- Contest entrants should submit photos and videos related to the contest theme: Find Yourself in Ridgway Year Round, no later than midnight on Friday, Nov. 4, 2022.
- Contest judges are especially interested in photos and videos of people, outdoors and indoors, participating in activities like: hiking, biking, Jeeping, artistic pursuits, dining, shopping, farmer's market, concerts, local festivals, sailing/boating, standup paddle boarding, camping, Nordic and alpine skiing, enjoying unique lodging rooms, etc.
- There is no entry fee for this contest.
- Each person can enter up to five photos and five videos. Photo entries need to be emailed to as jpg, png or tif files, minimum resolution of 3600 x 2550. Video entries need to be sent by wetransfer.com to as an mp4 file of no longer than 30 seconds (and no shorter than 15 seconds).
- Please include the words “Photo Contest Entry”, your name, email address, phone number, and mailing address in your email message.
- Please name each photo/video file with the photographer’s name, location and number if more than one is entered, so we are sure to give credit to the correct person.
- Winners will be notified by Nov. 2 and announcements will follow.
- The videographer with the winning video will be awarded a $300 cash prize (by check) and the photographer will be winning photo will be awarded $200 (by check). Up to three honorable mentions in each category will be awarded Ridgway, Colorado hats.
By entering this contest, organized by the Ridgway Area Chamber of Commerce, you agree that
- All submitted photos and videos may be used in future promotion of the Ridgway area, in chamber publications, website and social media. By entering the contest, photographers and videographers give the chamber permission to use the photograph for these purposes.
- The Ridgway Area Chamber of Commerce does not need to pay you for your images, whether you win a prize or not.
- If you enter photographs of people, you are responsible for getting their written approval to be in the photo.
- If you are not 18 years of age, you will submit written permission from your legal guardian for your entry.

Floating above Ridgway

Enchanted Mesa Trail