Gravel Adventure Field Guide Comes to Ridgway

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Locals and gravel bike enthusiasts “gear up” for the upcoming release of the Gravel Adventure Field Guide for Ridgway, Montrose, and the West End on Friday, April 26th. The event will begin with a launch party at the Colorado Boy depot located in the business district in downtown Ridgway and followed by gravel biking rides throughout the weekend. Focusing on gravel cycling routes throughout Southwest Colorado, the guidebook will feature trails for both beginners and experienced cyclists while also showcasing the history of the land, highlighting the creative community and applauding the region's astro-tourism through dark sky viewing opportunities.
Spearheaded by the Ridgway Area Chamber of Commerce through the efforts of Board Secretary Tanya Ishikawa last spring, funding for the project came from a grant awarded by the Colorado Outdoor Recreation Industry Office and was achieved through a partnership with Stephen Beneski and Juan Dela Roca, the creators behind Gravel Adventure Field Guides guidebooks. There was also much support and influence from Tim Tait, President of the West End Trail Alliance as well as with Ridgway’s local gravel riders. “Applying for the grant was inspired by the chamber’s continued efforts to help create positive exploration experiences and increase information regarding responsible tourism practices to our local communities," says Ishikawa.
In June 2023, it was announced that the chamber had received $34,500 in grant funding for the project that has now come to fruition less than a year later. Roughly eighty hours was contributed to monthly meetings, gravel rides and route development throughout the guide's creation. “This was one of the biggest collaborations with a high degree of enthusiasm and participation,” said Juan Dela Roca, Editor in Chief for the Gravel Adventure Field Guide recalling stages throughout the development.
Celebrate the release of the Gravel Adventure Field Guide for Ridgway, West End and Montrose area with a kickoff party with live music by popular, local, Americana duo Doug & Heather, and of course a free guide on Friday April 26th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the Colorado Boy Brewery Depot location (687 N Cora St). Following the launch party will be two days of community rides spread throughout the region. For more information on the event including gravel rides, please follow the link provided here.