Sign up to Volunteer
The Ridgway Ripple is a volunteer-led event. Pre-event and event day volunteers needed, generally for only 2 or 3 hours! You'll be rewarded with a Greenwood's restaurant drink certificate, other event schwag, and a great community feeling!
Register to Plunge or to be a Spectator!
Go to our Registration Form.
All plungers are encouraged to register in advance of event day. Spectators who pre-register will also be eligible for drawings for prizes. Your registration helps us prepare for the right number of people at the event. View the waiver for plunge participants.
Our Nonprofit Partners
The Ridgway Ripple Arctic Plunge is made possible through cooperation from the following partners:
Ouray County Communities That Care
Please support them with donations!
11:00 Spectators and “plungers” gather at the Marina Ramp of Ridgway State Park (accessed from the Dutch Charlie entrance). Plase sign waivers, get psyched, hear a bagpiper!, and learn rules. Propane heaters to keep warm, lent by the Ouray Ice Park
11:30-Noon THE PLUNGE (3 seconds up to 3 minutes only); Celebration with prizes, hot beverages, etc.
Noon-3 p.m. After party at Greenwood's! All plungers will get a free drink certificate for beer, wine, specialty plunge cocktail, or soft drink. Greenwood's drink certificates also given out during drawings for registered spectators. Lunch specials and regular lunch menu available, too!
Rules about what to wear: Swim suits are for the brave! Costumes are encouraged but should not be a drowning hazard, and should be easy to take off when wet. Wet or dry suits are ok. It's all about the fun together. Prizes for best costume, most brave, person from furthest away, etc.
Ages: All ages are allowed if parents sign waivers for their children. (Caution: Plunge is not recommended for children under 9 years old.)
Thank you, Event & Prize Sponsors!
Greenwood's restaurant
Ridgway State Park
Montrose Recreation Center
Ouray Ice Park
Orvis Hot Springs
RIGS Fly Shop & Guide Service
Ridgway Adventure Sports
Ridgway Liquors
Alpine Bank
Ridgway Library
Ouray Brewery
Cafe Ridgway a la Mode
The event is free but plungers, runners, and spectators are required to pay the Ridgway State park entrance fee of $10 per vehicle or use your annual park pass. We love Colorado Parks & Wildlife and the agency is not charging for this event! But, if you want to save money, feel free to meet at Greenwood's restaurant parking lot and carpool with friends in one vehicle to the park.