January 2019 RACC Business of the Month: Stacie's Apothecary Shoppe

In an ongoing effort to promote and get to know our local businesses, the Ridgway Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to introduce our January 2019 RACC Business of the Month...
Stacie's Apothecary Shoppe
Please tell us about the business's owners.
The owners of Stacie's Apothecary Shoppe are Jacob and Stacie Veatch, both originally from Oregon, but privileged to call Ridgway home! We have been in Colorado for 12 years now.

After moving to Ridgway, we fell in love with the area and the health-minded community. When the town found themselves without a pharmacy, we felt compelled to bring that service to Ridgway. We wanted to provide people a place to not only get their medications, but a place where they can come in and talk about how to get healthier, and possibly get to a place in their health where they can decrease their medications safely and effectively, or just make sure that the medications they are on are the most effective medications for them. We also believe there are many forms of “medicine” and that not everything that can help a condition can be found in a pill bottle; thus, we are inspired to help people incorporate all forms of health care and health options.
Please tell us all about your business and what your business goals are?
Stacie’s Apothecary Shoppe is a place that we want to become part of the community. We want the town to give us input on items they would like us to carry, and let us know what type of educational classes surrounding health they would like to attend. We want it to be a gathering place to talk about health and wellness goals. We do not want to be a place where you just pick up some meds and walk out the door. That is not how we build a healthy community. We build a healthy community one conversation at a time and help connect people with similar struggles and successes. Optimal health can be difficult to achieve and maintain as individuals, but if we work together as a true community, we can all benefit and achieve amazing outcomes. Come in and share with us how amazing your acupuncture was, or how great you feel after attending your Yoga or Pilates class. Let us know what an amazing difference meditation makes in your day, how an herb has helped an ailment or what a difference essential oils have made in your life. If we are having these conversations, then we are achieving our goals for this business and that is truly inspiring and rewarding.
Interesting facts about you and your business?
Interesting facts about you and your business?
It is the sister store to “The Apothecary Shoppe” in Nucla, Colorado. We carry alternative chemical free body products, makeup, organic loose-leaf teas, portable tea infuser bottles and essential oils. We love to hear what the customers’ need for OTC (over the counter) items are. We can place those wants/needs on our nightly order and have them available the next day. Our goal is to not have our establishment seem over-stimulating, but peaceful when you walk in. Parking is right in front of the pharmacy and very accessible to all customers. There are ample spots available.
What made you move to Ridgway?
We moved here because we purchased “The Apothecary Shoppe” in Nucla, Colorado and felt that Ridgway was the perfect fit for our family. We vacationed here five years ago and said we could see ourselves living here. We had no idea how it would come to fruition.
What do you like most about Ridgway?
What we like most about Ridgway is the community! We have met some truly amazing people that we are lucky to call our friends and every day we are fortunate to meet more people, either through activities our kids participate in, or community events or through the wonderful folks that visit the pharmacy.
What is your biggest challenge, and what are your biggest rewards?
The biggest challenges for us have been helping people find our location. We are on the east side of Highway 550, with strict limited opportunity for signage, and being at the north end of the same building as Re/Max and Eagles Wing Medical, it can be hard to find us. The other challenge is letting people know that they no longer have to drive to Montrose to get their medications. Patients can kindly let their doctor know to send their prescriptions to Stacie’s Apothecary Shoppe and we will be more than happy to do the rest. Our biggest reward is easily helping people. When we get an opportunity to help and we can make a difference in a person’s day, or life, and they benefit from that, that is the greatest reward. Hearing someone say, “I am so glad you are here, and I don’t have to drive to Montrose anymore and wait in line to be told my script is not ready, “ is truly rewarding.
Anything else we should know about you?
Anything else we should know about you?
Our sister pharmacy in Nucla, is a compounding pharmacy and your compounded medications can now be picked up at Stacie’s Apothecary Shoppe. Through our Nucla location we specialize in Hormone Replacement Therapy, Veterinary and Non-Sterile compounding. Just ask your doctor to send your prescriptions to Stacie’s Apothecary Shoppe and we will be glad to become your partners in health. Please let us know how we can help! We love feedback and want our pharmacy to be your pharmacy, so please do not be shy about what you need in order to achieve your optimal health.
Stacie's Apothecary Shoppe, congratulations on being the January 2019 Business of the Month for the Ridgway Area Chamber of Commerce!
Visit Stacie's at 112 Village Square West, Ridgway, Colo. 81432 . For information, call 970-626-7100.