Orvis Hot Springs recognized as October 2021 RACC Member of the Month

What is the history of the hot springs?
Orvis Hot Springs has long been a sacred place of healing for the Tabeguache band of the Utes, who lived in the Uncompahgre River valley before Mexican and European settlement. Led by famed Ute Chief Ouray, the Tabeguache soaked in the hot springs to receive its calming affects and curative powers. The springs were actually too hot for the Ute people, so they created small pools around the springs in an effort to cool it.
How did the Orvis Hot Springs business develop?
It was originally opened in 1919 as the Orvis Plunge by Lewis Jr. and Sarah Orvis; however, it burned down in 1961. Under new ownership, it was made into Lopa Hydrotherapy Center. In 1986, it was sold again and reopened as Orvis Hot Springs. In 2005, the Orvis family bought it back after 72 years. Since the family has been operating it, we have renovated the lodging rooms, expanded the changing rooms and kitchen, and added three more soaking areas.
What services and amenities do you have at Orvis?
Orvis Hot Springs is a clothing optional, natural hot springs resort that does not heat or treat our water in any way. We offer camping, lodging rooms, massage, and day use.
Please describe the unique properties of the water at Orvis.
Our hot springs have seven main naturally-occurring minerals with various health benefits. The waters here are most famous for their lithium content, highly sought after due to its soothing effects that naturally melt away stress and anxiety. A soak can reduce the effects of conditions such as arthritis and eczema, by improving the function of many of the body's vital systems. We do not have any sulfur smell in our hot springs.

Learn more about Orvis Hot Springs at https://orvishotsprings.com/, visit Orvis at 1585 County Rd. 3, Ridgway, CO 81432, and contact the hot springs at 970-626-5324 and .
For information about health and wellness amenities in Ridgway, go to on https://ridgwaycolorado.com/businesses/medical-health-wellness.