Tri-County Health Network recognized as January 2022 RACC Member of the Month

What kind of health services does your nonprofit provide?
TCHNetwork is improving the overall health of our rural region by identifying, developing, and operating community programs focused on increasing health equity and access to care. These programs have been hugely successful in filling this void by assuring care is accessible, affordable and available to everyone living in our rural counties. By taking a whole-person approach to health, our team can identify and address underlying social factors that may impact an individual's ability to live as healthy as possible.
What other services and programs do you have?
Our programming ranges from direct services to community outreach and education. Our programs and initiatives include the following:
- insurance enrollment assistance
- food security
- behavioral health education and teletherapy
- oral health
- transportation
- care coordination
- multicultural advocacy
What geographical areas are served by your nonprofit?
TCHNetwork serves over 13,000 community members annually. We continue to expand programming in response to community needs. The regions we cover include the following counties: Ouray, San Miguel, Montrose, and Delta.
Please tell us about your crisis resources.
We administer and disburse financial assistance from emergency funds established to help individuals continue to live and work in our community through the Good Neighbor Fund and the Ouray Community Response Fund. If needing assistance please fill out the online form.
What would you recommend to someone with a family member, friend or neighbor experiencing a crisis?
If experiencing a mental health crisis, please refer to our crisis resources page. You can also attend one of our Mental Health First Aid classes or safeTALK Suicide Alertness Training classes. If needing insurance, food, eyeglasses, or energy assistance, please request assistance by filling out the online form (above), emailing , or calling 970-708-7096.
How can community members support your organization and its activities?
TCHNetwork's mission is to collaborate with our communities to improve health for everyone. Volunteers are a critical part of these efforts! Our volunteers help to fill gaps where services don't exist such as palliative support services. Sign up to volunteer here. You can also sign up to take any of our educational classes to learn how to best support community health needs. Always complete our Community Health Needs Assessment surveys. Lastly, we always appreciate donations, not matter how small; it's a great way to give back. Donate here.
What do you value about being a Ridgway Chamber member?
We believe communities know what resources they need best. By being a Ridgway Chamber member, we can stay connected to our community to make sure we are listening directly to our neighbors' health needs requests to best serve and support. We also value how the Chamber allows us to stay in constant contact, which helps build healthy and strong relationships.

Learn more about Tri-County Health Network at While the nonprofit has offices in Telluride and Montrose, it serves residents in Ouray and Ridgway as well other towns in the counties it serves. To get more information, call 970-708-7096 or email .
For information about medical, health and wellness services in Ridgway, go to on