WANTED: 2019 Ridgway Area Chamber of Commerce Youth Ambassador

The Youth Ambassador will be eligible for a $500 scholarship, and receives career development benefits from the one-year experience, with mentorship from advisors in the local business community and recognition in various print and online news sources.
To become the 2019 RACC Youth Ambassador, you must: live in Ridgway or go to Ridgway Secondary School, be in the junior year of high school, and apply for the position by Sept. 26. The position requires a weekly time commit-ment of usually less than an hour, which adds up to an estimated monthly time commitment is four to six hours, and includes: writing a 300-word welcome letter for the 2019 Ridgway Visitors Guide, attending a few chamber board meetings and major chamber events in 2019, volunteering at the Ridgway Golf Open in Sept. 2019, and posting photos to Instagram weekly from Nov. 2018 to Oct. 2019.
The chamber welcomes any interested students, who fit the requirements and are excited about the opportunities described above, to apply. Pick up application instructions from the Ridgway Secondary School office or the Ridgway Visitors Center, or contact RACC Communications Specialist Tanya Ishikawa at or 303-819-7784 with questions or more information. Application materials are due by midnight on Wednesday, Sept. 26.
Pictured: 2018 Youth Ambassador Elizabeth Mueller's welcome letter in the 2018 Ridgway Visitors Guide.